In the distant future, when humanity is extinct, the primary legacy we may leave behind is likely to be plastic debris. Researchers exploring the ocean floor have made a startling find: plastiglomerates.


A project lead by

5 minute beach cleanup

in collaboration with

essential Costa Rica


“THE FOSSILS OF THE ANTHROPOCENE” offers a thought-provoking experience that seeks to foster a deep connection between visitors and the pressing issue of plastic pollution.

By repurposing recovered materials, the installation highlights Costa Rica’s commitment to the natural environment while confronting viewers with the stark reality of our plastic-laden era.

Through this juxtaposition, the artwork inspires reflection, encourages dialogue, and ultimately calls for action to address the urgent challenges of the Anthropocene Era.

ABOUT The Artwork

The artwork envisions the lasting footprint of humankind on the planet. Through visual and sensorial representation, we encourage you to reflect on the consequences of plastic consumption, and to consider your choices and environmental responsibility.

The concept and design of the artwork was created by 5 Beach Cleanup and Esteban Salazar, and made possible in the collaboration of Esencial Costa Rica. We invite you to make a pledge for the planet.

The Artwork will be a parallel installation of a permanent part of the Pixel Zoo™ Ocean exhibition, located in a church in Zurich, Switzerland.

The aim is to spark curiosity and instill a deep appreciation for the wonders of the ocean from an early age. 

ABOUT The Artist

Esteban salazar

Creative Designer, Visual Artist and Founder of Design Lab by Esteban Salazar

With a life dedicated to creating innovative projects with a distinctive flair, Esteban’s work is characterized by his passion for excellence and adherence to high professional standards. His outstanding contributions to the arts earned him the prestigious title of “Man of the Arts” by Traffic Magazine, Costa Rica in 2017.

In addition to being an interior architect with over 15 years of artistic experience, Esteban is a graduate of Creapole Paris and previously worked at Zoevox, a design firm in Paris selected by AD France as one of the best companies in the city. 

Esteban Salazar and Design Lab’s dedication to creativity, innovation and excellence has left a remarkable mark on the design world, both locally and internationally. 

Esteban dressed in white, smiling and looking down with white paint on his head.

ABOUT The Artist

Esteban salazar

Creative Designer, Visual Artist and Founder of Design Lab by Esteban Salazar

With a life dedicated to creating innovative projects with a distinctive flair, Esteban’s work is characterized by his passion for excellence and adherence to high professional standards. His outstanding contributions to the arts earned him the prestigious title of “Man of the Arts” by Traffic Magazine, Costa Rica in 2017.

In addition to being an interior architect with over 15 years of artistic experience, Esteban is a graduate of Creapole Paris and previously worked at Zoevox, a design firm in Paris selected by AD France as one of the best companies in the city. 

Esteban Salazar and Design Lab’s dedication to creativity, innovation and excellence has left a remarkable mark on the design world, both locally and internationally. 

5 minutes

about 5 minutes

Carolina sevilla

Carolina Sevilla is a Costa Rican environmental and human rights activist, as well as a former diplomat. She later shifted her focus to ocean preservation, working for BIONIC®, a company turning marine plastic into products. Carolina initiated the “5 Minute Beach Cleanup” movement in 2016, promoting individual cleanups through social media, and her videos have been viewed by 20 million people worldwide. Now, she directs two non-profit organizations and creates art installations with fossils found at the beach. She is touring in Europe with the sponsorship of the Costa Rican Tourism Board and providing legal consulting to coastal communities to preserve the environment.

Carolina en la playa sonriendo bajo la sombre de un árbol
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